"Movie Set" clip pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar quotMovie, Setquot Edit "Movie Set" clip An extended version from a better video source of the clip from the Inspector Gadget episode "Movie Set...
Health Spa (part3) pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar health, part3 Edit Health Spa (part3) (No self-destructing message from Chief Quimby :3) Despite being "always on duty", the chief gives Gadget a few...
A Star is Lost (part3) pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar part3 Edit A Star is Lost (part3) "M.A.D. plans to control millions of rock fans through Rick Rocker. Protect Rocker from Dr. Claw. This message w...
Volcano Island (part2) pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar Island, part2, Volcano Edit Volcano Island (part2) "Dr. Claw trying to take over island. Will use as missile base. Stop him. This message will self-destruct."...
"Busy Signal" clip pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar quotBusy, Signalquot Edit "Busy Signal" clip Penny is grabbed by a MAD scientist and threatened with being teleported to face Doctor Claw in second season I...
The Ruby (part1) pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar Part1 Edit The Ruby (part1) "'Big Red', great ruby of India, stolen by Dr. Claw to use in super laser. Plans to destroy communications sat...
Volcano Island (part3) pushbrain.blogspot.com Komentar Island, part3, Volcano Edit Volcano Island (part3) "Dr. Claw trying to take over island. Will use as missile base. Stop him. This message will self-destruct."...